In 2018, the high cost of living was a problem and a cause for concern by most Kenyans.The proposal by the government to impose 16 % VAT on petroleum products caused a lot of hue and cry and it is on that premise that we were instructed to secure orders stopping the Cabinet Secretary-Treasury from implementing the proposal.We got orders stopping the same but reached a compromise where the figure was settled at 8%. KISUMU PETITION 19/2018-TITUS ALILA-V-ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION & CABINET SECRETARY FINANCE (the Fuel Tax Case) which led to the President of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta reducing VAT on petroleum products was a classical example of the power of the tool of Judicial Review in causing governmental agencies to align with constitutional thresholds.
Our experience and expertise in the dynamics of the East and Central African terrain has granted us the privilege to be engaged in fostering strategic economic relationships that fall within the domain of International Trade/Law.
AMONDI AND COMPANY ADVOCATES has been appointed as the Legal Consultants for the SH TRADING DMCC LIMITED which is a Dubai based conglomerate with interests in various sectors including pharmaceuticals, fertilizers amongst others.
It is always a pleasure to handle public interest matters more particularly against state corporations that are intent on stymieing rights of communities.
We consider KISUMU ELCLC E030 & E031 of 2023 filed by us on behalf of members of the KARATENG and KORANDO CLANS of KISUMU WEST SUB COUNTY against the KENYA RAILWAYS CORPORATION as falling within the said category.
It is a locus classicus in terms of exceptions to the application of the exhaustion principle which the corporation relied on to insist on the need by residents to issue a thirty day notice before filing suit notwithstanding that they were raided and their properties destroyed without any notice whatsoever from the corporation.
This is on 30/05/2023 after the hearing of a class action suit that we filed on behalf of the ninety two allottees from Thessalia and Jaber Informal Settlement Schemes being victims of ethnic clashes and post election violence that rocked the country in 1992 who were eventually earmarked lands at the Kibigori Plantations Settlement Scheme but with no guaranteed security to ensure occupation and boundary demarcation.
It has always been our conviction that enforcement of fundamental rights in the bill of rights as enshrined in our constitution 2010 is a sure path towards uplifting the peoples socio-economic status and enabling them to play a core role within the economic sphere of the country.
We have always found ourselves playing a critical role in the protection of private investments in keeping with the government’s objective of promotion of private-public partnerships which is indeed the cog of development.
A case in point is in HOMABAY ELC E009/2023-HOMABAY HOTELS LTD-V-COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF HOMABAY, THE MINISTER FOR LANDS & PHYSICAL PLANNING, THE LAND REGISTRAR HOMABAY & THE AG where we represent the plaintiff who is a major player in the Western Tourism Circuit where it runs the “HOMABAY TOURISM HOTEL” and has moved to court to assert it’s proprietary and littoral rights in respect of the defendants illegal excision of a significant part of it’s beach front property thereby blocking it’s usage and view of the Lake Victoria shores hence compromising the substratum of the hotel business.
Further the plaintiff’s case is that the County government’s construction of a fish market within the hotel’s land will significantly affect it’s ambiance and reduce the latter’s value and bookings.
The afore-stated must be looked at in the context that the plaintiff has secured a joint venture investment of KSHS 3,000,000,000(THREE BILLION) to develop the beachfront hotel into a 350 room international status holiday resort to be established within the prestine beach of Lake Victoria.
It has been not just exciting but also thrilling as we plough our experience and knack for research and further development of the law in the development of the gold mining sector in Kenya.
This is the crux in KISUMU CIVIL APPEAL E030/2024-KENYA SUNNY INDUSTRIES COMPANIES LTD-V-KITIGU RESOURCES LTD & OTHERS as well as VIHIGA ELC 002/2023 wherein we act for the KENYA SUNNY INDUSTRIES LTD which has the prospecting license in respect of VIHIGA and KISUMU.
At the core of this matter is the interpretation and application of various aspects of the Mining Act 2016 for instance section 81(5) on renewal of licenses.
Election related violence represents part of the dark history which as a nation we honestly hope has been completely buried. The post election violence of the 1990s resulted in massive displacement of Kenyans whose stories has long been forgotten even as their descendants live a life of poverty without land to call home.
It is on that premise that we took up KISUMU ELC 050/2021-DALMAS OTIENO ODWAR & OTHERS-V-MINISTRY OF LANDS & PHYSICAL PLANNING, MINISTRY OF INTERIOR & CO-ORDINATION OF NATIONAL GOVERNMENT & NLC case on behalf of Thessalia and Jaber Informal Settlement Scheme members where in we secured a favorable judgment granting the plaintiffs awards in the form of damages.
The issue of oil spills is one that traverses the different dimensions of law given its disastrous and irreversable long term effects on the lives of the affected hence capturing the purview of the fundamental rights in the bill of rights.
This must be looked at in the context of Article 42 of the Constitution of Kenya as read together with Article 24 of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on enforcement of environmental rights.
It is within this context that we have been privileged to represent members from 150 villages of Miasenyi and Majengo Mapya in Taita Taveta who were affected by the oil spill that happened on 17/12/2016 following the bursting of the main pipeline owned by the Kenya Pipeline Company.
-That the court issue permanent conservatory orders compelling the defendants to implement permanent rehabilitation and restoration of the Miasenyi and Majengo Mapya Village lands and ecosystem.
-That the court grant the plaintiffs damages and compensation for breach of their fundamental rights in the bill of rights.
Our fees are based mainly on time spent, albeit other factors discussed and agreed with the client maybe taken into consideration.
Hourly billing rates vary according to seniority of the is our practice to discuss fees with clients and ensure that work is done cost effectively by professionals with the relevant and applicable skills and expertise
If you like to hear from us in future regarding hot news